Welcome To Producers Financial Network Inc. Life Insurance Advisors

Bruce Sechrest – President
A note from the President of Producers Financial Network Inc. Welcome! To Producers Financial Network Inc. This web site is just for you to use in your business. So many times web sites are not very clear in their purpose and what you can expect from it… Our goal is to help you make money plain and simple. To make sales you will need knowledge. We believe knowledge is power. So we have packed this website with the things you will need to make a sale today. We have tried to make it simple and informative.

Agent Log In

Existing Agents use following form to login and new Agents please click on Create New Account.
Secure Document Submission
Use this portal to submit PDF documents from your computer securely to Producers Financial Network. This portal is encrypted so documents do not travel through regular e-mail. It should be used for any secure document that you need to send to us that would be deemed HIPPA sensitive and should be encrypted for security protection. Regular e-mail and/or FAX submission are not secure for online transmission. This system is HIPPA certified by Cisco for compliance with new HIPPA laws and regulations for secure encrypted electronic document transmission. Please do not send us applications, medical files, or financial records of any kind through regular e-mail and/or FAX for the protection of you, your client, and Producers Financial Network. If you have concerns and/or questions, please feel free to call our office during regular business hours at 704-924-7400. Submit